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Very Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

This volume provides a state-of-the-art review of our current knowledge of brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars. The hunt for and study of these elusive objects is currently one of the most dynamic areas of research in astronomy for two reasons. Brown dwarfs bridge the gap between stars and planets. They could be as numerous as stars in galaxies and contribute to the 'dark matter' of the Universe. This volume presents review articles from a team of international authorities who gathered at a conference in La Palma to assess the spectacular progress that has been made in this field in the last few years. This volume reviews both the latest observations and theory to provide an essential reference to one of the most exciting fields in contemporary astronomy.

Part I. Searches in Clusters, Stellar Associations and the Field:
1. Open clusters after HIPPARCOS J. S. Mermilliod
2. Proper motions of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in open clusters N. C. Hambly
3. Parallaxes for brown dwarfs in clusters C. G. Tinney
4. Very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Belt of Orion S. J. Wolk and F. M. Walter
5. Photometric surveys in open clusters M. R. Zapatero Osorio
6. The mass function of the Pleiades R. F. Jameson et al.
7. Brown dwarfs and the low-mass initial mass function in young clusters K. L. Luhman
8. Very low mass stars in globular clusters I. R. King and G. Piotto
9. The DENIS very low mass star and brown dwarf results X. Delfosse and T. Forveille
10. Preliminary results from the 2MASS core project J. Liebert et al.
Part II. Spectroscopic Properties, Fundamental Parameters and Modelling:
11. Properties of M dwarfs in clusters and the field S. L. Hawley et al.
12. Spectroscopy of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in young clusters E. L. Martin
13. High resolution spectra of L type stars and brown dwarfs G. Basri et al.
14. Modelling very low mass stars and brown dwarf atmospheres F. Allard
15. Dust in very cool dwarfs T. Tsuji
16. On the interpretation of the optical spectra of very cool dwarfs Ya. V. Pavlenko
17. Absolute dimensions for M type dwarfs A. Gimenez
18. Theory of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs I. Baraffe
Part III. Convection, Rotation and Acitivity:
19. Convection in low mass stars F. D'Antona
20. Rotation law and magnetic field in M dwarf models G. Rudiger and M. Kuker
21. Doppler imaging of cool dwarf stars K. G. Strassmeier
22. X-ray Emission from cool dwarfs in clusters S. Randich
23. X-ray variability for dM stars G. Micela and A. Marino
24. The coronae of AD Leo and EV Lac S. Sciortino et al.
25. Prospects of vuture X-ray missions for low mass stars and cluster stars R. Pallavicini.
Cambridge University Press
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