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Enfermería clínica de Taylor "Manual de competencias y procedimientos"

Primera edición en español de esta guía de bolsillo de competencias y procedimientos básicos en enfermería. Este título se desprende de la 4ª edición de Enfermería clínica de Taylor, SLP ha publicado la tercera edición y ha logrado posicionar la marca Taylor como sinónimo de referencia para procedimientos y competencias clínicas en enfermería.

Características principales:
Conserva el mismo estilo didáctico, agradable a la lectura y gráfico con una gran cantidad de ilustraciones y recuadros
Incluye los 180 procedimientos y competencias más importantes en la práctica de la enfermería
Mantiene el estilo de presentación de sus temas: Introducción, equipo necesario, evaluación, diagnósticos de enfermería, resultados, implementación (acción y justificación individual), evaluación y documentación
Se presenta en un tomo único
Su organización alfabética facilita el acceso rápido a los temas de interés
Lectura breve que concentra sólo la información relevante en torno al procedimiento o competencia

1 Ambulation, Assisting a Patient with
2 Ambulation Using a Cane, Assisting a Patient with
3 Ambulation Using Crutches, Assisting a Patient with
4 Ambulation Using a Walker, Assisting a Patient with
5 Arterial Catheters, Peripheral, Removing

6 Back Massage, Giving
7 Bandage, Applying a Figure-Eight
8 Bath: Bed, Providing
9 Bath: Shower or Tub, Assisting With
10 Bath: Sitz, Assisting with
11 Bed Making, Occupied
12 Bed Making, Unoccupied
13 Bed Scale, Using
14 Bedpan, Assisting with the Use of
15 Bladder Irrigation, Continuous Closed Bladder Irrigation (CBI), Administering
16 Bladder Volume: Assessing Using an Ultrasound Bladder Scanner
17 Blood Glucose Testing, Obtaining a Capillary Sample
18 Blood Pressure, Assessing Brachial Artery Auscultated
19 Blood Pressure, Assessing Using a Doppler Ultrasound
20 Blood Pressure, Assessing Using an Electronic Automated Monitor
21 Blood Sample, Obtaining from Arterial Catheter
22 Blood Sample, Using Venipuncture for Routine Testing
23 Blood Specimen: Culture and Sensitivity
24 Blood Specimen, Obtaining for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
25 Blood Transfusing, Administering

26 Cardiac Monitor, Applying
27 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Performing
28 Cast Application, Assisting With
29 Cast Care
30 Catheter Irrigation, Closed Intermittent, Performing
31 Central Venous Access Device (CVAD): Accessing an Implanted Port
32 Central Venous Access Device (CVAD): Changing Site Dressing and Flushing
33 Central Venous Access Device (CVAD): Deaccessing an Implanted Port
34 Central Venous Access Device (CVAD): Removing a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)
35 Cervical Collar, Applying a Two-Piece
36 Chest Drainage System, Providing Care for a
37 Chest Tube, Assisting with Removal of a
38 Cold Therapy, Applying
39 Colostomy, Irrigating
40 Comfort, Promoting Patient
41 Commode, Bedside: Assisting with Use
42 Compress, Applying a Warm
43 Condom Catheter, Applying
44 Contact Lenses, Removing
45 Continuous Passive Motion Device (CPM), Applying

46 Deep Breathing Exercises, Coughing and Splinting, Teaching
47 Defibrillation, Performing Automated External (Emergency)
48 Defibrillation, Performing Manual External (Emergency, Asynchronous)
49 Denture Care, Providing
50 Drain: Hemovac, Caring for
51 Drain: Jackson-Pratt, Caring for
52 Drain: Penrose, Caring for
53 Drain: T-tube, Caring for
54 Dressing: Changing a Peripheral Venous Access
55 Dressing: Cleaning a Wound and Applying a Dry, Sterile
56 Dressing: Hydrocolloid, Applying
57 Dressing: Saline-Moistened, Applying

58 Ear Drops, Instilling
59 Ear Irrigation, Administering
60 Eating, Assisting a Patient With
61 Electrocardiogram (ECG), Obtaining
62 Endotracheal Tube, Securing
63 Endotracheal Tube: Closed System, Suctioning
64 Endotracheal Tube: Open System, Suctioning
65 Enema: Large-Volume Cleansing, Administering
66 Enema: Retention, Administering
67 Enema: Small-Volume Cleansing, Administering
68 Epidural Analgesia, Caring for a Patient Receiving
69 External Fixation, Caring for a Patient with
70 Eye Drops, Instilling
71 Eye Irrigation, Administering

72 Fall Prevention
73 Fecal Incontinence Pouch, Applying
74 Fiber Optic Intracranial Catheter, Caring for a Patient with

75 Gastric Tube Feeding, Administering a
76 Gastrostomy Tube, Caring for a
77 Gloves: Putting on Sterile and Removing Soiled
78 Graduated Compression Stockings, Applying and Removing

79 Hand Hygiene: Performing Using an Alcohol-Based Handrub
80 Hand Hygiene: Performing Using Soap and Water (Handwashing)
81 Heating Pad, Applying an External
82 Hemodialysis Access (Arteriovenous Fistula orGraft), Caring for
83 Hypothermia Blanket, Using

84 Incentive Spirometer, Teaching a Patient to Use
85 Inhaler: Dry Powder, Administering Medication via
86 Inhaler: Metered-Dose, Administering Medication via
87 Injection: Intradermal, Administering
88 Injection: Intramuscular, Administering
89 Injection: Subcutaneous, Administering
90 Insulin Pump, Administering Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion via
91 IV Infusion: Changing an IV Solution Container and Administration Set
92 IV Infusion: Monitoring an IV Site and Infusion

93 Leg Exercises, Teaching
94 Logrolling a Patient

95 Medication: Administering Oral
96 Medication: Administering via a Gastric Tube
97 Medication: Administering via Small-Volume Nebulizer
98 Medication: IV Infusion, Administering a Piggyback Intravenous of Medication
99 Medication: IV Infusion, Administering an Intermittent Intravenous Infusion of Medication via a Mini-Infusion Pump
100 Medication: IV Infusion, Administering an Intermittent Intravenous Infusion of Medication via a Volume-Control Administration Set
101 Medication: IV Infusion, Administering Medications by Intravenous Bolus or Push Through an Intravenous Infusion
102 Medication: Mixing Medications from Two Vials in One Syringe
103 Medication: Removing from an Ampule
104 Medication: Removing from a Vial
105 Medication: Transdermal Patch, Applying
106 Montgomery Straps, Applying
107 Moving a Patient Up in Bed with Assistance

108 Nail Care, Providing
109 Nasal Spray, Administering
110 Nasal Swab, Obtaining
111 Nasogastric Tube, Inserting a
112 Nasogastric Tube, Irrigating
113 Nasogastric Tube, Removing
114 Nasopharyngeal Airway, Inserting
115 Nasopharyngeal Swab, Obtaining
116 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, Applying

117 Oral Care, Assisting the Patient
118 Oral Care, Providing for the Dependent Patient
119 Oropharyngeal Airway, Inserting
120 Ostomy Appliance, Changing and Emptying
121 Oxygen, Administering by Mask
122 Oxygen, Administering by Nasal Cannula
123 Oxygen Administration, Using an Oxygen Hood
124 Oxygen Tent, Using

125 Pacemaker: Applying and Monitoring an External (Transcutaneous)
126 Pain Management, Continuous Wound Perfusion
127 Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA), Caring for a Patient Receiving
128 Peripheral Venous Access Device: Capping for Intermittent Use and Flushing
129 Peripheral Venous Access Device: Initiating
130 Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter: Caring for a
131 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Using
132 Pneumatic Compression Devices, Applying
133 Postoperative Patient Care, Providing when Patient Returns to Room
134 Pulse, Apical: Assessing by Auscultation
135 Pulse, Peripheral: Assessing by Palpation
136 Pulse, Peripheral: Assessing Using a Portable Doppler Ultrasound
137 Pulse Oximeter, Using

138 Range-of-Motion Exercises, Providing
139 Rectal Suppository, Administering
140 Respiration, Assessing
141 Restraint, Applying an Elbow
142 Restraint, Applying an Extremity
143 Restraint, Applying a Mummy
144 Restraint, Applying a Waist
145 Restraints, Alternatives to the Use of, Implementing
146 Resuscitation: Using a Handheld Bag and Mask

147 Seizure Precautions and Management
148 Shampooing a Patient's Hair in Bed
149 Shaving, Assisting the Patient
150 Sling, Applying
151 Sputum Specimen for Culture, Collecting
152 Staples, Removing Surgical
153 Sterile Field: Adding Sterile Items
154 Sterile Field: Preparing Using a Commercially Prepared Sterile Kit or Tray
155 Sterile Field: Preparing Using a Packaged Sterile Drape
156 Stoma Appliance on an Ileal Conduit, Emptying and Changing
157 Stool Specimen for Culture, Collecting
158 Stool, Digital Removal of
159 Stool: Testing for Occult Blood
160 Suctioning the Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Airways
161 Sutures, Removing

162 Temperature, Assessing Body
163 Temperature, Regulating, Using an Overhead Radiant Warmer
164 TENS Unit, Applying and Caring for Patient Using
165 Tracheostomy Care, Providing
166 Tracheostomy Care, Open System, Suctioning
167 Traction: Halo, Caring for a Patient in
168 Traction: Skeletal, Caring for a Patient in
169 Traction: Skin, Applying Skin Traction and Caring for a Patient in
170 Transferring a Patient from the Bed to a Chair
171 Transferring a Patient from the Bed to a Stretcher
172 Transferring a Patient Using a Powered Full-Body Sling Lift
173 Turning a Patient in Bed, Assisting

174 Urinal, Assisting with the Use of
175 Urinary Catheter: Female, Catheterizing the Urinary Bladder
176 Urinary Catheter: Indwelling Catheter, Removing an
177 Urinary Catheter: Male, Catheterizing the Urinary Bladder
178 Urinary Catheter: Suprapubic, Caring for
179 Urine Specimen, Collecting (Clean Catch, Midstream) for Urinalysis and Culture
180 Urine Specimen: Indwelling Urinary Catheter, Obtaining from

181 Vaginal Cream, Administering
182 Ventriculostomy, External (Closed Fluid-Filled System), Caring for a Patient with

183 Warming Device, Applying a Forced-Air
184 Wound Culture, Collecting
185 Wound Irrigation, Performing

Appendix A Guidelines for Delegation Decision Making
Wolters Kluwer LWW España
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