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The third edition of Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease, the recognized gold-standard reference in this field, offers a major update and expansion of the textbook to reflect the ongoing development of the practice of pediatric and congenital cardiac anesthesia and the burgeoning knowledge base in this exciting field.
- Includes two new chapters addressing key areas anesthetic and sedative neurotoxicity in the patient with congenital heart disease, and anesthesia in the patient with pulmonary hypertension
- Now in full color, with over 200 illustrations and photographs
- Includes procedural video presentations covering important aspects of congenital cardiac anesthetic practice, such as invasive monitoring catheter insertion, airway management, cardiopulmonary bypass techniques, and basic transesophageal echocardiography
- Multiple-choice questions accompany each chapter covering the most crucial learning points to optimize the learning experience for readers at all levels
Part I History, Education, Outcomes, and Science
1 History of Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease
2 Education for Anesthesia in Patients with Congenital Cardiac Disease
3 Quality, Outcomes, and Databases in Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia
4 Development of the Cardiovascular System and Nomenclature for Congenital Heart Disease
5 Physiology and Cellular Biology of the Developing Circulation
6 Anesthetic Agents and Their Cardiovascular Effects
7 Cardiopulmonary Bypass
8 Multiorgan Effects of Congenital Cardiac Surgery
9 Anesthetic and Sedative Neurotoxicity in the Patient with Congenital Heart Disease
Part II Monitoring
10 Vascular access and monitoring
11 Neurological Monitoring and Outcome
12 Transesophageal Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease
13 Coagulation, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, and Bleeding
Part III Preoperative Considerations
14 Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation
15 Approach to the Fetus, Premature, and Full-Term Neonate
16 Approach to the Adult Patient
Part IV Management
17 Hemodynamic management
18 Arrhythmias: Diagnosis and Management
19 Airway and Respiratory Management
20 Early Tracheal Extubation and Potoperative Pain Management
Part V Anesthesia for Specific Lesions
21 Anesthesia for Left-to-Right Shunt Lesions
22 Anesthesia for Left-sided Obstructive Lesions
23 Anesthesia for Right-sided Obstructive Lesions
24 Anesthesia for Transposition of the Great Arteries
25 Anesthesia for the Patient with a Single Ventricle
26 Anesthesia for Miscellaneous Cardiac Lesions
27 Anesthesia for Cardiac and Pulmonary Transplantation
28 Anesthesia for Pulmonary Hypertension
Part VI Anesthesia Outside the Cardiac Operating Room
29 Anesthesia for the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
30 Anesthesia for Non-cardiac Surgery and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
31 Cardiac Intensive Care
32 Mechanical Support of the Circulation