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Provides proctologists with a wealth of information relevant to clinical practice
Introduces the author's modified submucosal hemorrhoidectomy procedure as well as surgical techniques proposed by world leaders
Covers all aspects of day-case hemorrhoidectomy
Describes anesthetic techniques for anal surgery Surgical video clips available via the Springer Extras platform
This book provides up-to-date knowledge on hemorrhoids for proctologists. It covers all aspects, including the history of hemorrhoids, the anatomy of the anal canal, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Both conservative treatment approaches and surgical methods are explained with the aid of numerous high-quality illustrations and schematic drawings. Particular attention is paid to lift-up submucosal hemorrhoidectomy, developed by the author by modifying Parks' original method. Additionally, other important techniques proposed by world leaders in the field are described and illustrated. The international trend towards use of day-case hemorrhoidectomy is acknowledged by considering this approach in detail, with discussion of patient preparation, anesthesia, surgical technique, and postoperative management. The treatment of hemorrhoids in a variety of special circumstances is examined, including new trends in PPH. The closing chapter is devoted to the various forms of anesthesia for anal surgery.

Chapter 1. The History and Frequency of Hemorrhoids.- 1.The History of Hemorrhoids.- 1) The Classical Times, Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.- 2) Hemorrhoid surgery in 18th century, ligation, and the era of simple resection.- 3) Hemorrhoid surgery in the nineteenth century.- 4) The development of twentieth-century hemorrhoid surgery.- 5) A conservative remedy for hemorrhoids.- 2. The incidence of haemorrhoids.- Chapter 2. The Anatomy of the Anus.- 1. Anatomy related to hemorrhoids.- 1) The mucosa and upper epithelium of the anus.- 2) Treitz's muscle.- 3) Internal sphincter.- 4) Conjoined longitudinal muscle.- 5) The external anal sphincter.- 6) The levator ani and pelvic floor muscles.- 7) The levator ani tunnel.- 8) The hiatal ligament.- Chapter 3. The Etiology of Hemorrhoids.- 1. What are hemorrhoids?.- 1) The varicose vein theory.- 2) The vascular hyperplasia theory.- 3) The theory of internal anal sphincter over activity.- 4) The sliding anal lining (cushion) theory.- 2. Causative factors of hemorrhoids.- Chapter 4. Diagnosis of hemorrhoids.- 1. Diagnostic sequences for hemorrhoids (anus).- 2. The posture for examination.- 3. The practice of diagnosis.- 4. Differential Diagnosis.- Chapter 5. Indications for Hemorrhoid Treatment.- 1. Types of Hemorrhoid.- 2. Indications of Hemorrhoid Surgery.- Chapter 6. Non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids.- Chapter 7. Lift-up Submucosal Hemorrhoidectomy.- Chapter 8. Famous Hemorrhoid Surgical Operations.- 1. Parks' submucosal hemorrhoidectomy.- 2. Ligation and excision by Sumikoshi Yukio.- 3. Dakano's anoderm-preserving hemorrhoidectomy.- 4. Closed hemorrhoidectomy.- 5. Whitehead Surgery.- 6. Hemorrhoid surgery, using a circular stapler (PPH).- Chapter 9. Day Case Hemorrhoidectomy.- 1. Preoperative Considerations.- 2. Considerations for anesthesia.- Chapter 10. Preoperative and postoperative management.- 1. Preoperative management.- 2. Monitoring during the operation.- 3. Postoperative management.- 4. Critical Pathway.- 5. Day surgery.- 6. Outpatients treatment.- Chapter 11: Contraindications for hemorrhoidectomy.- Chapter 12: Special cases of hemorrhoids.- 1. Thrombotic external hemorrhoids.- 2. Incarcerated Hemorrhoids.- 3. Hemorrhoids in pregnancy.- 4. Hemorrhoids in portal hypertension.- 5. Hemorrhoids in IBD.- 6. Hemorrhoids in leukemia.- 7. Others.- Chapter 13: Anesthesia for anal surgery.- 1. Local Anesthesia.- 2. Spinal Anesthesia.- 3. Caudal block.- 4. Epidural Anesthesia.- 5. General anesthesia
Springer Verlag Gmbh&Co. Kg
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